Punk + Art + Design
2025年1月11日(土)ー 2月2日(日) 14 - 19時(火水休)
GENERAL STOREと題し、PunkをArtとDesignの視点からセレクトした商品を展示販売いたします。タイトルのようにセレクトショップの要素を強くした内容となっており、PUNKTURE ORIGINAL Tシャツ、スウェット、パーカーなども販売しておりますので、気軽にご来店ください。
Linder Sterling(リンダー・スターリン)
フォトモンタージュ、パフォーマンス、急進的なフェミニズムで国際的に知られる英国人アーティスト。 1970年代からのリンダーの初期作品は、ジェンダー・パフォーマティヴィティと身体の表象化に対して関心を示している。この時期、彼女はバズコックスのシングル『Orgasm Addict』の象徴的なジャケットを制作。女性のセクシュアリティと家庭性を描写するイメージを組み合わせ、従来の女性の役割や表現を公然と批判。現代やヴィンテージのハードコアポルノ出版物、牧歌的なイングリッシュガーデンを写した大型カレンダー、自動車、料理、ファッション雑誌などからこれらの素材を集めている。
Malcolm Garrett(マルコム・ギャレット)
Peter Saville(ピーター・サヴィル)
Sex Pistols(セックス・ピストルズ)
Unit Editions(ユニット・エディションズ)
ユニット・エディションズは、デザイナーやデザインを学ぶ学生、ビジュアル・カルチャーの信奉者といった国際的な読者に向けて書籍を制作する独立系出版ベンチャーである。トニー・ブルック、パトリシア・フィネガン(ともにスピン)、エイドリアン・ショーネシーによって2009年に設立された。2023年、Unit Editionsはテムズ&ハドソンの最新版元としてテムズ&ハドソン・ファミリーに加わった。
Punk + Art + Design
Saturday 11 January - Sunday 2 February 2025
Open 14:00 - 19:00 / Closed Tue & Wed
URAHARA CENTRAL APARTMENT 203, 3-26-5 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Linder Sterling
Malcolm Garrett
Peter Saville
Sex Pistols
Unit Editions
Under the title GENERAL STORE, a selection of Punk products will be exhibited and sold from an Art and Design perspective. As the title suggests, it has a strong select shop element, and PUNKTURE ORIGINAL T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies will also be on sale, so feel free to visit the shop.
Artist and band profile
Linder Sterling
British artist internationally known for her photomontages, performances and radical feminism. Linder's early work from the 1970s shows an interest in gender performativity and the representation of the body. During this period, she created the iconic jacket for the Buzzcocks' single Orgasm Addict. Combining images depicting female sexuality and domesticity, it openly criticises conventional female roles and representations. She draws these materials from contemporary and vintage hardcore pornographic publications, large calendars depicting idyllic English gardens, cars, cooking and fashion magazines.
Recent solo exhibitions include Nottingham Contemporary, Kästner Gesellschaft, Museum of Modern Art, Paris and PS1 Museum of Modern Art, and his work has been included in group exhibitions at Tate Modern, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Tate Britain and Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.
Malcolm Garrett
Creative Director of Images&Co, a communications design consultancy based in London, UK.
Known worldwide for his influence on graphic design and popular culture through groundbreaking designs for clients such as Buzzcocks, Duran Duran, Boy George, Simple Minds and Peter Gabriel Since the early 1990s, he has been a leading advocate of interaction and He has championed digital communication and pioneered an approach he calls ‘connected communication’, and in 2000 was the first ‘new media’ to be appointed to the RSA's (Royal Society of Industrial Designers) prestigious Faculty of Royal Designers. Designer.
Peter Saville
British graphic designer. Born in Manchester, England.
Studied graphic design at Manchester Art School (now School of Art and Design at Manchester Metropolitan University) and worked as an exclusive designer for Factory Records. He designed many jackets for musicians on the label, including Joy Division, New Order and Happy Mondays.
After 1979, he moved to London and designed jackets for musicians not belonging to Factory, including Ultravox, Suede, Pulp, Bjork and Gay Dad.
His work was not limited to music, but he also designed for companies in the UK and abroad, including Adobe, CNN and Givenchy, making him one of the leading British designers of our time.
Sex Pistols
English punk rock band.
The iconic group represented the punk/new wave movement that emerged in London in the late 1970s. It was characterised by its anti-establishment gimmickry, including lyrics attacking its own royal family, government, major corporations and the rock scene. Despite their short-lived activity, the group also had a significant impact on the music scene and fashion world in later years.
Inducted into the ‘Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’ in 2006. Rolling Stone magazine's ‘100 Greatest Artists of All Time’, No. 60.
Unit Editions
Unit Editions is an independent publishing venture, producing books for an international audience of designers, design students and followers of visual culture. The company was formed in 2009 by Tony Brook, Patricia Finegan (both Spin) and Adrian Shaughnessy. In 2023, Unit Editions joined the Thames & Hudson family as the publisher’s latest imprint.
High quality design and production standards are partnered with insightful texts and informative commentaries to produce books on a wide variety of subjects – subjects that are either neglected or ignored by mainstream publishers.